How to Sell your House in the Shortest Possible Time?

How to Sell your House in the Shortest Possible Time? image 01
Discover your perfect home

Home selling can be a challenge regardless of who is currently driving the market, buyers or sellers. This can be explained in terms of concerns related to the showings, especially organization and keeping the property presentable, as most of the people attempting to sell the house still reside in it. Sometimes they have pets and children, who significantly complicate the situation.

Since the highest interest from the buyers is shown in the first few weeks after listings, sellers need to make strong efforts before the interest wanes.

Find a storage unit to get rid of unimportant stuff

The first thing sellers might consider doing is hiding all personal belongings into closets. However, it is quite an unnecessary, and even wrong, decision to make as potential buyers often check the capacity of closets. Imagine their reaction when they find them tipped-over and disorganized. This may create the impression that your house lacks storage spaces.

In order to avoid this problem, find yourself a storage unit, pack all unnecessary goods such as seasonal decorations, old apparel, and stuff you never use in day-to-day life, and keep it outside of the house while it is open for buyers. If you feel that it is impossible to store your things remotely, find yourself a portable unit and store your goods in the courtyard.

Take attractive photos of your house

It is very important to take photos of the house to highlight its pros and undermine its cons so that potential buyers will form a good first impression of the property by exploring the listing of photos. For these purposes, you can hire a professional house stager who will find the right angles for the house from the buyers perspective, or at least invite your friends or relatives to walk around the house and share their views on how to make it look more attractive. According to recent studies, listings with six or more photos are twice as likely to be viewed by prospective buyers.

Hire a real estate agent

When choosing a real estate agent, pay more attention to his/her achievements and professional knowledge rather than shared interests. The typical questions you might ask the agent during a face-to-face meeting should cover the following topics: how to sell the house in the shortest possible term? how to make good photos? How he/she will promote the property?

In addition, look for reviews on relevant websites to find out the impressions of other sellers who worked with the agent. NB! Choosing our agents, you choose not only qualified specialists with 20 years of relevant experience, but a professional team doing the utmost to sell your property with the most favorable conditions.

Advertise the property by yourself

Do not underestimate the word of mouth. Publish your ad on Facebook and ask your friends and acquaintances to repost it. You can also do some networking within the neighborhood by sending the listing to your neighbors from the homeowners’ association.

Remove personal belongings to leave space for potential buyers’ imagination

If you do this, buyers can feel as though they are entering their new house. Your family photos and handmade art items can make the house look cozy and adorable, but your aim is to make it look attractive from the buyers’ perspective.

Make a small renovation

It is a well-known fact that small upgrades can cost you just a couple of hundred dollars, but eventually will lead to a significant increase in the final price of the sale. Our specialists can give recommendations on how to make the house look more expensive without substantial financial resources. For example, you can buy new appliances for $3,000 rather than spend $35,000 on a brand-new kitchen.

Let light in your house

Undoubtedly, poorly lit houses with dark interiors do not encourage buyers to stay there. Moreover, they might even cause depression. But the solution is simple: just brighten up your house! Buy new fixtures with high-voltage bulbs, freshen up the walls with light-colored paints, such as agreeable gray, a light, neutral gray that provides a soft, brighter palette, making rooms look larger. Clean baseboards, windows, and light fixtures – and the house will shine!

Make up the exterior and adjacent area

When buyers come to your house for the first time, what will their initial impression be? It will be formed based on the surrounding area. The things you can do to make it look better is to trim and shape hedges and edge the lawn. You should also consider repainting and deep-washing the facades and walkways. And do not forget about planting flowers, particularly near the entryway – it will breathe life and coziness into your house.

Sell your house at the right time

The best time for sale is in spring and summer. If you can not wait until then, you should be prepared for buyers to be pickier, so you need to make your house reflect a dream.

Set a reasonable price as your expectations might not correlate with the house market value. Do your own research and make an objective judgment.

Summing it all up, selling the property is a comprehensive process which requires efforts made by both the owner and the real estate agent. By choosing our agency, you choose qualified specialists who will navigate you through all the steps and provide necessary assistance, including taking photos and any other pre-sale assistance.

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